The Key Ad Creatives You Should Consider In Your Ad Campaign

Can you remember all of the ads you saw today? Probably not. But chances are you probably remember one or two. If you had to think about it what most do you remember about these ads. Was it the message or perhaps the visual of the ad was particularly appealing.

Human beings are highly visual creatures. Half of the information human beings store in their brains is obtained from visual information. However for your ads to truly capture the audience you are targeting, they need to be truly creative to capture the interest of the consumer.

In this article we share some of the main ad creative elements advertisers need to consider to create a successful ad campaign.


Color is one of the most essential ad creative elements advertisers have at their disposal. Color has the power to set the whole mood of your ad campaign and can positively or negatively affect the effectiveness of your ad campaign.

Thus, whether you are looking to go for a bold color palette with lots of bright colors or a more minimalist choice with neutral colors like black and white, the trick is to ensure whatever colors you choose adequately complement the overall structure of your ad without too many clashes.

Plus, color is a great way for you to draw the attention of your consumers to specific areas of your ad naturally.


Typography involves how you arrange your letters from the font, size to the way the letter is displayed meaning whether the letter is in bold or italics.

Choosing how your letters are displayed can bee an effective way for you to ensure your clients are paying attention to the information you are delivering in your ads. You can do this by placing certain words in bold, increasing their font size or using a unique font.

A Straightforward CTA

While this may not sound like the usual design elements, it is a main part of any creative ad. After all the goal of any ad is to get your consumers to do something, whether it is to subscribe to a website, buy a product or subscribe to a specific service, a call to action is what signal and drives their attention to what you want them to do.

Thus, ensuring your CTA is as noticeable and creative as possible is the best way to ensure your consumers pay attention to the goal of your ad.

These are just a few examples of the creative elements you can include in your ad campaign to ensure it captures as many users as possible.

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